There is magic inside these miniature worlds.

Mushrooms are more than just fungi; they are an expression of life's resilience and artistry. These beautiful organisms come in an astonishing array of shapes, sizes, and colors, each with its unique charm. In the heart of the Pacific Northwest, where lush forests and diverse ecosystems collide, a world of enchantment waits to be discovered. Oregon, renowned for its natural beauty and bountiful landscapes, is not only a haven for outdoor enthusiasts but also for those who find magic in the smallest and often overlooked details of the natural world.

Here in Texas, mushrooms are hard to find. We don't have the climate necessary for them to flourish the way they can in places like Oregon. Perhaps because of this I found myself absolutely captivated by these little ones and made my best attempt to capture their intricate details and often-overlooked beauty. Their little gills, caps, spores, and even the dewdrops that cling to their surfaces, are a testament to how beautiful nature can be.

Sadly, I don't own a macro lens so taking close up, hyper-detailed shots was difficult. I think I still succeeded though! We hiked through 15 miles of trails over the course of 3 days and we encountered so many beautiful little mushrooms. I'm so happy to share these with you and I hope their beauty brings you as much joy as it for me.